Showing posts with label Top 5. Show all posts
5 Terrifying Paranormal Activity Encounters, Tales & Stories

5 Terrifying Paranormal Activity Encounters, Tales & Stories

Top5s takes a look at five terrifying paranormal activity encounters, tales and stories. Leave a comment and let us know what you think. and...
5 Strangest Radio Stations & Most Mysterious Transmissions

5 Strangest Radio Stations & Most Mysterious Transmissions

From an unexplained Russian radio station playing strange sounds, to the infamous Yosemite Sam broadcast... Here are five eerie radio statio...
5 Mysterious Creature Sightings & Encounters in the Middle of Wars

5 Mysterious Creature Sightings & Encounters in the Middle of Wars

Dark5 presents 5 witness accounts of unidentified creatures, cryptids, and monsters sightings & encounters in the middle of war... Leave...
5 Creepy & Incredibly Mysterious Videos That Need An Explanation

5 Creepy & Incredibly Mysterious Videos That Need An Explanation

From a supposed South American mythical creature caught on camera to a terrifying ghost believed to have been spotted in Czech Republic... H...
5 Paranormal Secret Plans to Win WWII

5 Paranormal Secret Plans to Win WWII

Dark5 looks at 5 secret missions to change the course of World War II with zombies, witches, psychics, Die Glocke, and Hitler's search f...
5 Darkest Encounters With The Devil Throughout History

5 Darkest Encounters With The Devil Throughout History

The concept of an evil entity or entities who are trying to cause people to do bad things is a concept that is probably as old as human hist...
5 Ways You Can Actually Live FOREVER

5 Ways You Can Actually Live FOREVER

The fountain of youth doesn't really exist, so it's impossible for you to bathe or drink from it's holy waters. But don't fr...
5 Terrifying Encounters With Black Eyed Children

5 Terrifying Encounters With Black Eyed Children

Since the late 90s, black-eyed children have been an essential component of paranormal folklore. Those who report encounters with them often...
5 Car Teleportations Caught on Tape

5 Car Teleportations Caught on Tape

From cars disappearing to cars appearing out of nowhere, this video takes a look at the top 5 car teleportations that have been caught on ta...
5 STRANGEST Unsolved Internet Mysteries Still Unexplained...

5 STRANGEST Unsolved Internet Mysteries Still Unexplained...

Top 5 Unknowns takes a look at five of the strangest unsolved internet mysteries that are still unexplained. Leave a comment and let us know...
5 Most Mysterious & Unidentified Creatures Caught On Camera

5 Most Mysterious & Unidentified Creatures Caught On Camera

From an unexplained creature spotted at the Japanese 2011 Tsunami, to the legendary cryptic iceland water creature that was beleived to have...
5 Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

5 Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

From footage of Bigfoot in Vietnam to other Sasquatch sightings from around the world, in this video ApexTV takes a look at the top 5 Bigfoo...
5 Strangest Objects Found Orbiting Earth

5 Strangest Objects Found Orbiting Earth

A lost "astronaut," the alien Black Knight satellite, top secret trash bags, a creepy soccer ball, and mysterious "life"...
5 TRUE Demon Possession Scary Stories

5 TRUE Demon Possession Scary Stories

These are some true american horror stories - Stories of real demon attacks and demon possession! Darkness Prevails presents five true demon...
5 Humanoid Creatures Caught on Tape

5 Humanoid Creatures Caught on Tape

Aliens, Bigfoot, angels, demons, gnomes, and goblins are all supposed humanoid creatures known to common mythology. Some people say that the...
5 Nightmarish Videos of Ghost Caught On CCTV Camera

5 Nightmarish Videos of Ghost Caught On CCTV Camera

Mysterious 5 takes a look at five nightmarish videos of ghosts caught on CCTV camera. What do you think? and check this out...
5 Darkest Cases Of Werewolves Throughout History

5 Darkest Cases Of Werewolves Throughout History

There are many stories about werewolves. During the Middle Ages and the early modern period, suspected werewolves were put on trial like wit...
5 Creepy Supernatural Mysteries That Will Shock & Amaze You

5 Creepy Supernatural Mysteries That Will Shock & Amaze You

DorsetGhost Mysteries presents 5 of the creepiest supernatural mysteries, some are unsolved mysteries that will totally shock you. What do y...
5 Darkest Cases Of Vampires Throughout History

5 Darkest Cases Of Vampires Throughout History

In this video Unexplained Mysteries looks at 5 darkest cases of vampires. Vampires originate from Eastern Europe in the late 17th and 18th c...
5 Extremely Strange & Creepy Paranormal Photographs

5 Extremely Strange & Creepy Paranormal Photographs

Top5s takes a look at five extremely strange and creepy paranormal photographs. Are ghosts real? Check it out and decide for yourself. and c...