Showing posts with label Devil. Show all posts
Creepy Encounters With The Devil Monkeys

Creepy Encounters With The Devil Monkeys

Youtuber Paranormal Junkie takes a look at cases of creepy encounters with the devil monkey. Leave a comment and let us know what you think....
5 Darkest Encounters With The Devil Throughout History

5 Darkest Encounters With The Devil Throughout History

The concept of an evil entity or entities who are trying to cause people to do bad things is a concept that is probably as old as human hist...
Is The Houska Castle A Portal To Hell?

Is The Houska Castle A Portal To Hell?

Paranormal Junkie takes a look at the mysterious Houska Castle and tries to determine if it is a portal to hell. What do you think? and chec...
Top 20 Creepiest Urban Legends From England

Top 20 Creepiest Urban Legends From England

In the land of England, exists many legends of monsters, curses, and even some involving the Devil himself. Strange, otherworldly creatures ...
Spring Heeled Jack, The Terror Of London

Spring Heeled Jack, The Terror Of London

Spring Heeled Jack know for his ability to spit fire and leap great distances and heights. Was first sighted in 1837, and then more tales em...
My Uncle, The Jesey Devil

My Uncle, The Jesey Devil

IF YOU WERE TO CRACK a phone book in South Jersey and drag your finger along the pages in the "L" section, you'd find rows ...
Real Life Exorcism secretly filmed through keyhole (video)

Real Life Exorcism secretly filmed through keyhole (video)

Is this footage of the real-life exorcism of a woman possessed by the devil? The alleged ousting of a bad spirit was carried out in the Roma...
Is there a ghost haunting this Brooklyn Bar ??

Is there a ghost haunting this Brooklyn Bar ??

On a dark morning in September 2006, Miguel Vargas arrived for work at a Brooklyn restaurant called Sweetwater. He unlocked and lifted the ...